INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING ON THE CLUSTER Interactive on hyperion ======================= ssh -l candler ssh hyperion-login-2 qrsh -pe orte 240 bash -li cd /abyss/candler/ERM/ time mpirun --map-by core --bind-to core --mca btl self,sm,openib -np 240 c.out Submitting to the queue ======================= #!/bin/bash # #$ -pe orte 240 #$ -N trans #$ -V #$ -cwd #$ -S /bin/tcsh time mpirun --map-by core --bind-to core --mca btl self,sm,openib -np $NSLOTS c.out Then, run: qsub -q all.q Interactive on nike =================== ssh -l candler ssh cd /abyss/candler/ERM/ Create a machines file (using nike-compute-0-0 to 0-35 and 1-0 to 1-35: nike-compute-0-1 slots=24 nike-compute-0-3 slots=24 nike-compute-0-4 slots=24 nike-compute-0-6 slots=24 nike-compute-0-9 slots=24 nike-compute-0-10 slots=24 nike-compute-0-11 slots=24 nike-compute-0-12 slots=24 nike-compute-0-13 slots=24 nike-compute-0-14 slots=24 nohup time mpirun -nolocal --mca mtl mx --mca pml cm -np 240 -machinefile machines ./c.out > nohup.out