This directory has input (.inp) and output (.dat) files for versions of the benchmark model, where the output files are the results from running ../codes/trantf.f90 or ../codes/trantf_e.f90. continue.* Continue with current policy nofica.* Phase out FICA taxes (quickly) and transfers (slowly) noficas.* Phase out FICA taxes (slowly) and transfers (slowly) nofringe.* Additionally suspend deductibility of benefits reverse.* Additionally lower marginal rates on workers (temporarily) nomedss.* Additionally lower marginal rates on workers (permanently) nocaptax.* Additionally phase out capital income taxes eqgain.* or, additionally increase NIPA transfers to lower incomes avgrate.* Or, lower rates on workers so they equal US averages Figures in the paper compare welfare of the nofica, nofringe, reverse, nomedss, nocaptax, and eqgain cases versus continuing with current policy (continue). To generate these figures, run ../codes/plotgains.m. To generate information about the transition, run ../codes/plottrantf.m or ../codes/plottrantf_e.m and then ../codes/plotgini.m. Results shown in the paper and appendix are generated with ../codes/maketabs.m. Ellen McGrattan July 2015