This directory contains materials used in Technology Capital and the US Current Account by Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott To generate results in the paper and Appendix B of the separate appendices (in Staff Report 407), run main.m in Matlab and choose the case of interest. To explore alternative parameterizations, use altparams.m. NOTES: (1) (Microsoft OS users only) For some versions of Matlab run on MS-OS, the load commands in results.m need to have the frontslashes (/) used on Unix machines changed to backslashes, e.g. replace load ./rawdata/dtaup.dat with load .\rawdata\dtaup.dat (2) The first-order conditions in fdifoc.m are not properly specified for time-varying dividend taxes. Run errata.m which replaces the time series with an average rate--the results are almost identical to those generated by main.m. Ellen McGrattan Original, June 2009 Revised, May 2018