This directory contains TecPlot files used for the figures in the final draft of the paper. Figures 1-7. Use data loaded in ../data/MakePlots/Plots.m Figure 8. Use results of ../codes/bigvsmall.m 8: [ome, YdivZN/YdivZN(1,2)*100] Figures 9-11. Use results of ../codes/transition.m (option 1) 9: [t(:),sigmat] 10: [t(:),ct/c0(2)*100] 11: [t(:),mt/(NJ*y0(2))] Figures 12-13. Use results of ../codes/transition.m (option 2) 12: [t(:),sigmat] 13: [t(:),mt/(NJ*y0(2))] Figures 14. Use results of ../codes/transition.m (option 3/4) 14: [t(:),ct(:,2)/c0(2)*100] (for both cases) Ellen McGrattan May 2008