This directory contains codes for generating results in the appendix of Unmeasured Investment and the Puzzling US Boom in the 1990s by Ellen McGrattan and Ed Prescott These codes supercede earlier codes posted on the website. My research assistant Yuichiro Waki discovered a relative price was missing from one of the intertemporal conditions. This is now fixed. To generate the results reported in the appendix, copy any one of the .inp files to intang.inp. The perfect-foresight case uses pf_intang.inp. The AR(1) cases use se_intang**.inp, where ** is the parameter rho (at a quarterly frequency). Once the input file has been copied, compile the Fortran code intang.f90 and run the executable. To see plots of the results, run simintang.m in Matlab. Ellen McGrattan October 2007