The files in this directory were used to replicate the empirical impulse responses in Comment on Gali and Rabanal's ``Technology Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations: How Well Does the RBC Model Fit Postwar US Data?'' I also use data for the aggregate US economy to compute empirical impulse responses. Ellen McGrattan June 2004 FILE BRIEF DESCRIPTION ---- ----------------- bquah.m Apply Blanchard-Quah procedure bquah.pdf Notes for the equations in bquah.m bquah.tex Notes for the equations in bquah.m bquahboot.m Call bquah.m and then compute boot-strapped errors drawz.m Compute statistics for GR technology figure1.dat Hours figure computed with gr_ir (w/ randn('seed',1004)) gali.csv Data for nonfarm business used by Gali-Rabanal gali.xls Data for nonfarm business used by Gali-Rabanal gr_ir.m Compute empirical impulse responses hptrend.m Compute HP-filtered trend and residual prescott.csv Hours data from CPS prescott.pdf Documentation for prescott.csv nipa116.csv NIPA table 1.16 which contains real GDP