This directory contains the main figures and tables for Business Cycle Accounting Econometrica by V.V. Chari, Patrick Kehoe, and Ellen McGrattan Instructions are given below to generate all of the results. * Instructions to Generate Figures for the Great Depression --------------------------------------------------------- For Figures 1-4 and A3 % cd ./sr328/depression % matlab >> benchplots For Figures 9-12 % cd ./sr328/depression % matlab >> caputplots For Figures 13-14 % cd ./sr328/depression % matlab >> adjcostplots * Instructions to Generate Figures for the 1982 Recession ------------------------------------------------------- For Figures 5-8 and A4 % cd ./sr328/mleqtrly % matlab >> pwbca For Figures 13-14 % cd ./sr328/mleqtrly % matlab >> pwbca_adj (Note that users can choose (1) no adjustment costs, (2) BGG level of costs, or (3) 4 times the BGG level) * Instructions to Generate Tables ------------------------------- For Table I, Top % cd ./sr328/mleannual % matlab >> runmle1 For Table I, Bottom % cd ./sr328/mleqtrly % matlab >> runmle1 For Table A1 % cd ./sr328/depression % matlab >> runmle1cu For Table A2 % cd ./sr328/depression % matlab >> runmle1adj For Table A3 % cd ./sr328/depression % matlab >> runmle1adje For Table A4 % cd ./sr328/mleqtrly % matlab >> runmleadj For Table A5 % cd ./sr328/mleqtrly % matlab >> runmleadj * Instructions to Generate Figures in the Appendix ------------------------------------------------ For Figures A1-A2 % cd ./sr328/mleannual % matlab >> usdata (Note: The results are in matrix long) For Figures A3-A4, see instructions above For Figure A5 % cd ./sr328/depression % cp bench.dat.case10 bench.dat % matlab >> benchsim For Figure A6 % cd ./sr328/depression % matlab >> caputplots For Figure A7 % cd ./sr328/mleqtrly/tauk % matlab >> pwbca_tauk For Figure A8 % cd ./sr328/mleqtrly/tauk % matlab >> pwbca_test