% Table of Contents for job `appendix' -- Created at 2007/1/15 17:{0}7 % ==================================== \TOCitem{1} {\TOCsID{1.}Introduction} {1}% \TOCitem{1} {\TOCsID{2.}Benchmark model} {1}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{2.1.}Household problem} {1}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{2.2.}Firms} {3}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{2.3.}The Government} {4}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{2.4.}Aggregates} {4}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{2.5.}Exogenous stochastic processes} {5}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{2.6.}Steady State Equations} {5}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{2.7.}Algorithm for Computing the Consumption Function} {5}% \TOCitem{1} {\TOCsID{3.}A Version of the Model with Capacity Utilization} {8}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{3.1.}Household Problem} {9}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{3.2.}Firms} {11}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{3.3.}The Government} {12}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{3.4.}Aggregates} {13}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{3.5.}Steady State Equations} {13}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{3.6.}Algorithm for Computing the Consumption Function} {14}% \TOCitem{1} {\TOCsID{4.}Results for the Variable Capacity Utilization Model} {16}% \TOCitem{1} {\TOCsID{5.}Sensitivity Analysis for the Benchmark Model} {17}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{5.1.}Simulations Starting in 1939} {18}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{5.2.}An Alternative Labor Tax Rate} {18}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{5.3.}Alternative Postwar Tax Rates} {19}% \TOCitem{2} {\TOCsID{5.4.}The Intratemporal Condition} {19}%