This directory contains codes for computing equilibria in models discussed in E. McGrattan, A Defense of the AK Growth Models, Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Fall 1998. Below are brief descriptions of these codes. More details can be found in the comments at the top of each one. Ellen McGrattan January 30, 1999 FILE DESCRIPTION ---- ----------- comp Compilation command onefoc.m Matlab code-first order conditions for 1-sector growth model oness.m Matlab code-computes steady state for 1-sector growth model onesect.f Fortran code-computes equilibrium of 1-sector growth model onesect.inp Input file for onesect.f onesect.m Matlab file that simulates time series using answer in onesect.f twofoc.m Matlab code-first order conditions for 2-sector growth model twosect.f Fortran code-computes equilibrium of 2-sector growth model twosect.inp Input file for twosect.f twosect.m Matlab file that simulates time series using answer in twosect.f twoss.m Matlab code-computes steady state for 2-sector growth model