Tetyana Dubovyk 07-07-2004 This directory contains data and code files used for the paper: McGrattan, Ellen and Richard Rogerson, Changes in Hours Worked: 1950-2000, QR summer 2004, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. The main code file is ipums_2000_totpop.f90 Input files for ipums_2000_totpop.f90 are: td-1950-totpop.dat td-1960-totpop.dat td-1970-totpop.dat td-1980-totpop.dat td-1990-totpop.dat td-2000-totpop.dat matrix_h80.dat matrix_h90.dat matrix_h00.dat Output files of ipums_2000_totpop.f90 are: ipums_5per_totpop.out ipums-extrap_totpop.out paper_tables.out ipums_extrap_totpop.m comparison_TS.m figure1sr317.m To get tables and graphs that are included in the paper, put ipums_2000_totpop.f90 and the above-mentioned input files into the same directory and run the fortran code. Here is short description of output files: ipums_5per_totpop.out contains tables for average hours, hours per worker, employment-population ratio for different sex, age and marital status groups. ipums-extrap_totpop.out has tables with extrapolated values for different cohorts, see tables 8-10 and appendix D in the paper. paper_tables.out has tables included in the paper, i.e., the set of tables in this output file is smaller than in files ipums_5per_totpop.out and ipums-extrap_totpop.out. ipums_extrap_totpop.m is a matlab code to draw graphs for average hours of different cohorts for different sex and marital status groups, charts 1-3 in the paper. comparison_TS.m is a matlab code to compare two methods of calculating average hours, charts B1-B3 in the paper. figure1sr317.m draws the figure 1 in Staff Report 317, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Detailed description of input and output files is given in ipums_2000_totpop.f90. The main matlab code to produce graphs is paper_graphs.m with input data files: gordon.dat goldin.dat deflator.dat cpi.dat benefits.dat