Debt Welfare E[a~] Int. Rate Tax Rate Value Fn. Tot. Hours Output The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000315686 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000045162 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000002292 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000003 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000501978 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000126831 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000021611 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000216 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.055414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000260765 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000147175 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000150822 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000111345 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000012153 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000000191 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.055664000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000171395 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000111419 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000078120 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000072997 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000071189 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000070992 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000070853 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000070836 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000070823 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000070821 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.055789000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000056354 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000166447 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000243016 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000061939 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000012045 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000002585 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055851500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000032060 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000007750 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000004526 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000013 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055882750 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000015581 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000057 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055898375 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000007790 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000046 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055906187 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000003885 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000009 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055910094 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000001942 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000009 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055912047 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000001010 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000156 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055911070 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000486 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055911559 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000248 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000022 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055911314 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000121 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055911437 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055911375 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000030 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055911406 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055911391 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055911398 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055911402 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055911404 and 0.000000001 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000003015 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000605 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000502034 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000126811 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000022206 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000227 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.055414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000261114 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000147110 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000150910 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000111552 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000012213 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000000193 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.055664000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000171835 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000111393 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000070811 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000064750 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000062931 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000068524 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000072032 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000066647 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000063253 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000062882 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.055789000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000056425 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000175641 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000250271 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000061447 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000011859 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000002630 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055851500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000032071 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000007447 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000004189 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000011 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055882750 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000015582 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000059 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055898375 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000007781 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000023 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055906187 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000003886 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000016 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055910094 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000001942 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000329 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055912047 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000001007 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055911070 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000503 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055911559 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000252 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055911314 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000126 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055911437 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000063 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055911375 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055911406 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000016 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055911421 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055911414 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055911410 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055911408 and 0.000000001 The labor supply at iteration 1 is 0.329807226 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000319117 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000040153 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030195 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030356 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030365 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030366 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030366 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030366 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030366 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030366 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000505548 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000076252 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000002539 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000011 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.056414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000251525 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000017631 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000175 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.056164000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000122909 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000003238 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000001311 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000006 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.056039000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000061638 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000006845 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000405 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055976500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000034669 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000029501 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000026359 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000026156 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000026154 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000026153 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000026153 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000026153 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000026153 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000026153 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055945250 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000033549 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026284 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000029890 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000029982 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000029982 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000029982 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000029982 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000029982 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000029982 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000029982 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055929625 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000029329 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026336 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030114 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030186 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030189 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030189 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030189 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030189 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030189 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030189 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055921813 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031456 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030244 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030280 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030279 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030279 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030279 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030279 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030279 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030279 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030279 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055917906 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030865 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030313 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030323 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030323 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030323 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030323 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030323 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030323 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030323 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030323 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055915953 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030602 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030340 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030345 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030344 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030344 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030344 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030344 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030344 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030344 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030344 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055914977 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030481 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030353 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030355 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030355 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030355 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030355 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030355 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030355 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030355 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030355 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055914488 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030422 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030359 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030360 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055914244 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030394 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030363 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055914122 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030346 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030362 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055914183 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030370 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030362 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055914153 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030366 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030363 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055914137 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030362 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055914145 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030361 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030362 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055914149 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030363 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030362 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030362 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055914147 and 0.000000001 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030297 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030311 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030312 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030312 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030312 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030312 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030312 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030312 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030312 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030312 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000505598 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000076291 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000002544 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000014 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.056414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000251509 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000017597 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000174 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.056164000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000122914 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000003200 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000001003 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000005 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.056039000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000061580 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000006629 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000450 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055976500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000034514 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000029433 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000026344 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000026100 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000026098 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000026097 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000026097 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000026097 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000026097 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000026097 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055945250 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000033503 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026273 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000029800 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000029901 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000029895 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000029895 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000029895 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000029895 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000029895 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000029895 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055929625 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000029328 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026331 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030050 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030128 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030130 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030130 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030130 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030130 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030130 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030130 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055921813 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031385 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030173 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030225 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030224 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030224 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030224 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030224 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030224 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030224 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030224 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055917906 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030808 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030256 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030269 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030268 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030268 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030268 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030268 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030268 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030268 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030268 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055915953 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030547 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030285 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030291 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030290 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030290 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030290 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030290 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030290 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030290 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030290 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055914977 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030426 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030299 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030301 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030301 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030301 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030301 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030301 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030301 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030301 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030301 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055914488 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030368 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030306 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030307 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055914244 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030340 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030309 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055914122 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030293 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030308 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055914183 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030316 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030309 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055914153 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030313 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030309 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055914137 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030307 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030309 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055914145 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030309 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055914149 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030308 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030309 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030309 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055914151 and 0.000000001 The labor supply at iteration 2 is 0.329714349 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031066 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030516 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030516 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030516 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030516 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030516 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030516 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030516 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000505447 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000076116 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000002524 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000003 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.056414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000251493 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000017650 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000175 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.056164000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000122892 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000002459 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000005 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.056039000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000061812 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000007473 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000277 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055976500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000035131 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000029682 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000026387 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000026252 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000026250 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055945250 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000033630 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026306 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030094 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030167 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030170 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030170 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030170 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030170 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030170 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030170 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055929625 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000032888 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030049 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030348 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030349 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030349 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030349 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030349 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030349 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030349 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030349 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055921813 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031628 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030416 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030435 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030434 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030434 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030434 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030434 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030434 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030434 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030434 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055917906 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031021 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030469 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030476 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030475 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030475 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030475 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030475 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030475 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030475 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030475 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055915953 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030755 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030493 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030496 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030496 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030496 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030496 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030496 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030496 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030496 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030496 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055914977 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030632 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030505 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030506 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055914488 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030574 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030511 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055914244 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030545 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030514 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055914122 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030513 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055914183 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030521 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030513 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055914153 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030514 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055914137 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030511 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030513 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055914145 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030513 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055914149 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030513 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055914147 and 0.000000001 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030450 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030465 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030465 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000505482 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000076163 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000002529 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000005 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.056414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000251503 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000017643 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000175 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.056164000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000122898 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000002475 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000005 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.056039000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000061751 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000007256 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000321 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055976500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000034970 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000029622 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000026379 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000026227 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000026224 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055945250 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000033608 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026300 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030029 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030108 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030110 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030110 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030110 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030110 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030110 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030110 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055929625 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000029329 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026343 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030229 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030292 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030295 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030295 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030295 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030295 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030295 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030295 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055921813 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031572 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030360 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030383 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030381 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030381 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030381 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030381 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030381 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030381 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030381 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055917906 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030968 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030416 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030424 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030423 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030423 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030423 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030423 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030423 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030423 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030423 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055915953 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030703 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030441 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030445 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030444 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030444 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030444 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030444 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030444 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030444 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030444 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055914977 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030581 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030453 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030455 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030455 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030455 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030455 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030455 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030455 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030455 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030455 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055914488 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030522 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030459 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030460 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055914244 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030493 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030462 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055914122 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030446 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030461 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055914183 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030469 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030462 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055914153 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030462 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055914137 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030462 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055914145 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030462 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055914149 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030462 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055914147 and 0.000000001 The labor supply at iteration 3 is 0.329713724 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030642 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030518 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030517 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030517 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000505446 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000076115 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000002524 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000003 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.056414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000251492 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000017650 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000175 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.056164000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000122892 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000002459 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000005 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.056039000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000061813 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000007477 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000276 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055976500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000035134 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000029684 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000026387 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000026253 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000026250 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000026250 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055945250 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000033630 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026306 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030095 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030168 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030171 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030171 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030171 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030171 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030171 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030171 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055929625 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000032900 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030062 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030350 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030350 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030350 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030350 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030350 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030350 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030350 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030350 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055921813 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031629 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030417 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030436 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030435 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030435 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030435 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030435 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030435 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030435 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030435 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055917906 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031022 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030470 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030477 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030476 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030476 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030476 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030476 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030476 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030476 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030476 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055915953 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030756 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030494 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030497 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030497 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055914977 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030633 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030506 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030507 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030507 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030507 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030507 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030507 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030507 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030507 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030507 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055914488 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030575 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030512 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055914244 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030546 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030515 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055914122 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030498 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030514 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055914183 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030522 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030514 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055914153 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030518 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030515 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055914137 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030512 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030514 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055914145 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030513 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030514 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055914149 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030515 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030514 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030514 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055914147 and 0.000000001 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030451 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030466 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030466 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 1 is 0.055914000 and 0.000500000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000505482 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000076162 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000002529 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000005 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 2 is 0.056414000 and 0.000250000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000251503 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000017643 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000175 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 3 is 0.056164000 and 0.000125000 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000122898 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000002475 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000005 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 4 is 0.056039000 and 0.000062500 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000061752 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000007261 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000000320 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000000000 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000000000 The interest rate and residual at iteration 5 is 0.055976500 and 0.000031250 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000034973 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000029623 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000026380 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000026227 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000026225 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000026224 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000026224 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 6 is 0.055945250 and 0.000015625 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000033609 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026300 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030030 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030109 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030111 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030111 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030111 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030111 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030111 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030111 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 7 is 0.055929625 and 0.000007812 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000029329 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000026343 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030230 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030293 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030296 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030296 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030296 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030296 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030296 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030296 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 8 is 0.055921813 and 0.000003906 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000031573 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030361 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030384 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030382 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030382 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030382 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030382 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030382 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030382 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030382 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 9 is 0.055917906 and 0.000001953 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030969 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030417 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030425 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030424 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030424 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030424 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030424 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030424 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030424 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030424 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 10 is 0.055915953 and 0.000000977 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030704 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030442 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030446 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030445 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030445 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030445 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030445 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030445 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030445 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030445 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 11 is 0.055914977 and 0.000000488 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030582 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030454 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030456 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030456 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030456 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030456 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030456 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030456 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030456 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030456 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 12 is 0.055914488 and 0.000000244 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030523 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030460 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030461 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 13 is 0.055914244 and 0.000000122 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030494 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030464 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030463 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 14 is 0.055914122 and 0.000000061 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030447 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030462 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 15 is 0.055914183 and 0.000000031 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030471 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030463 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 16 is 0.055914153 and 0.000000015 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030467 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030463 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 17 is 0.055914137 and 0.000000008 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030461 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030463 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 18 is 0.055914145 and 0.000000004 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030462 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030463 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 19 is 0.055914149 and 0.000000002 The residual at iteration 1 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 2 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 3 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 4 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 5 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 6 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 7 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 8 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 9 is 0.000030463 The residual at iteration 10 is 0.000030463 WARNING: iteration limit of 10 reached in inner loop. The interest rate and residual at iteration 20 is 0.055914147 and 0.000000001 -0.14400 0.00000 3.96912 0.05591 0.40588 -105.2554 0.32971 1.06253