program hb2ps c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c translates a harwell - boeing file into a post-script file. Usage: c hb2ps < HB_file > Postscript_file c where hb2ps is the executable generated from this program, c HB_file is a file containing a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing c format and Postscript_file is a file to contain the post-script file. c---------------------------------------------------------------------- parameter (nmax = 5000, nzmax = 70000) integer ia(nmax+1),ja(nzmax), idummy(1), ptitle real*8 a(1),rhs(1) real size character title*72, key*8, guesol*2, munt*2 data iin /5/, iout/6/, size/5.0/, nlines/0/, ptitle/0/,mode/0/ data munt/'in'/ c----------------------------------------------------------------------- job = 1 nrhs = 0 c c read matrix in Harwell-Boeing format c call readmt (nmax,nzmax,job,iin,a,ja,ia, rhs, nrhs, * guesol,nrow,ncol,nnz,title,key,type,ierr) c c if not readable return c if (ierr .ne. 0) then write (iout,100) ierr stop endif c c call post script generator c call pspltm(nrow,ncol,mode,ja,ia,title,ptitle,size,munt, * nlines,idummy,iout) c 100 format(' **ERROR: Unable to read matrix',/, * ' Message returned fom readmt was ierr =',i3) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- stop end